Before reading on, watch the video first!
I think this video gave me the idea for this blog because it is so rich with love filled undertones and themes. The main tenant of this blog will be that "God is love" - 1 John 4:8. In fact, I expect to use the words "Love" and "God" quite interchangeably through this entire blog.
I will update this Blog (YTD) Sunday Mornings for 52 weeks, and keep YTD short and to the point. (Less than 300 words)
That being said, time to focus.
"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." - Deuteronomy 31:8
As I watched the video for the first time, I couldn't help but feeling wrapped up in these words. Stuck almost, but the kinda stuck you get when you're bundled up tight in a warm blanket on a cold day. I think that no matter how hard I ever seem to try (I've tried hard) I can't get away from Love for long.
Focus for a second on the word never in the verse above. Compared to grace and love, here is a word that we can wrap our minds around. We "get" never don't we? How many times have we seen and felt never? I'll see her never again. I'll never be the same. I'll never get another chance...
God will never leave.
Thanks to "American Idol" we get a glimpse into the type of devoted love that God is.
Ponder for a second. Who are you in the video?
If you have time, watch it one more time.
Let me wrap up with this, and this is what makes God a truly amazing lover.
"But God put his love on the line for us by offering his Son in sacrificial death while we were of no use whatever to him." - Romans 5:8 (The Message)
God chose us not when we were the attractive, playful, girl that all the other boys wanted, but when we were already seemingly broken beyond repair.
Good thing there are such things as miracles...
I believe that they're happening around me a lot more then I take the time to notice.
I'm going to start choosing to notice.
Won't you join me on my journey?
You say things here. Feel free to critique my grammar, and offer suggestions. It's been too long since I've wrote regularly so I'm feeling a bit rusty.